Our Current 1,4,5 and 7 day Photography Workshops & Courses (max 3 or 4 per course!)

** Special Offer - All of our residential workshops now give you 50% off a 1-2-1 editing workshop with Chris**

Click on one of the images below to see full details for that course.

'This was my first trip away with Chris and I loved it. I can honestly say I am a better photographer now than before my week on Skye. Chris is not only very knowledgeable, but is also generous in sharing that knowledge. I get the impression he genuinely enjoys seeing people develop their skills. Chris works hard to make sure the workshops are a success, researching locations in advance and adapting to changeable conditions during the trip. Throughout, he is patient and helps you develop at your own pace - tailoring his advice for your individual needs. It's also easy to ask for help from Chris without feeling stupid or that it's something you should already know. This was my first trip with Chris, but I'm sure it won't be my last. I'd happily recommend him if you want to improve as a photographer while having a fun break'. Lis Henderson, Nov 2021

We are insured so you can rest easy! All of our courses are covered by our own event insurances in case we have to cancel the course for unforeseen circumstances (travel disruption, illness etc). Make sure your course operator has such insurances in place or you may risk losing your money. You still need your OWN insurances in place to cover you and your kit (policies can cost as little as £9 for £5000 cover). Contact Chris on 07920  044094 to chat about insurances.

Course locations change each year so do check the website to see what is on offer. With each course led personally by Chris your day/course will cover the whole photographic process. We will spend time developing focus techniques, how to use aperture control, balancing exposures, using filters, considering the compositional process etc. You will learn/improve as part of a small group in a friendly and fun environment. Chris will spend lots of time with each participant to help them get the most from the course. The courses are suited to all as Chris will work with each client individually.

We have 3 full sets of ND Grad FILTERS (the same as Chris uses) and a couple of lightweight Tripods that we can loan out, please ask for info on these if interested.

1 Day Courses:
Chris will teach how to focus, control aperture, handle exposure, use of filters to control the light, understanding the histogram etc... and how to compose an image from the scene before you. Look out for our NEW 'Sunset & Blue Hour' special days in the darker months!!

4/5 Day courses:
These will include all of the above plus Chris' popular overviews on RAW file processing and Photoshop editing techniques. These courses also allow more time to work on creative techniques such as long exposures, photo stitching, HDR etc. On these courses you will stay in your own room with facilities, with breakfast included on all courses. (Yorkshire Coast also has dinner included!)

If in doubt, or to chat about the course types....give Chris a call on 07920 044094


All tuition By Chris Ceaser

For further information either call Chris on 07920 - 044094 or send an email to info@chrisceaser.co.uk

A few words from our customers:

My surprise 21st birthday present was a ticket to Venice with my Dad on Chris’ course. We both own cameras and wanted to learn how to use them properly. It was well worth the year-delay through Covid, and Chris managed to coax some great photos from us. Chris has a thorough understanding of the city and was able to show us the perfect vantage points, filling our day from blue hour to blue hour to make sure we squeezed every moment out of our time there. The rapidly changing weather wasn’t in our favour but Chris remained flexible and ensured the days were tailored so our experience was unaffected and we achieved numerous fantastic shots using the elements to our advantage. The small group meant that we had plenty of one-to-one time and with mixed experience levels it made sure that we all learnt a huge amount. Chris managed to deftly deal with Dad’s broken camera – scouting the local shops and quickly finding a rental replacement! An unforgettable experience in a beautiful city with a patient and knowledgeable host, we will both look forward to a future of far higher quality and better composed photographs – thank you Chris! - Iwan Stone, Dec 2022


'I've just been on my fourth course with Chris, and as usual I've come back with lots of new skills and techniques as well as a host of great shots from stunning
locations. From the moment 
the course starts, Chris is constantly monitoring the weather conditions and modifying his plans to give the group the best possible chance of taking fantastic photos every day. Chris's customer care is second to none, with everybody getting individual tuition base don their existing level of knowledge, and having fun in a friendly and relaxed environment. I'll certainly be back for more! - Chris Bentham, Nov 2021

Want to know more?

Workshops need to be booked directly with Chris using the email or phone number below. We also sell gift vouchers in denominations of £20 and £50 which can be used towards the cost of any course. Why not click the 'Get in Touch' button below and we will get back to you to discuss your requirements and the best courses for you, or if you prefer just give Chris a call on the number below. If you want to chat about a course as a gift for someone else, give Chris a call and he will be happy to go through all the options with you.